6 cups of protection? Believe it. Try it for FREE.
20,000+ 5 star reviews

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Get your FREE Starter Pack!
Urologist recommended
Sensitive skin-friendly
Holds 37% more liquid than leading brand
1. Select Gender:
2. Choose Absorbency:







3. What’s your size?
Sizing guide
Small/Medium (28-40 in)
Large (38-50 in)
X-Large (48-64 in)
XX-Large (68-80 in)
4. How many do you need?
1-2 Per Day
2-3 Per Day
3-4 Per Day
4-5 Per Day

We promise to work with you until you find the right product for your needs!
Trusted by Over 400,000 Happy Customers

Leading Quality
From bladder protection to skin creams, we never compromise on quality.

Convenient & Discreet
Your business stays your own with discreet and convenient subscriptions on your terms.

Affordably Priced
By selling directly to you, we can offer high quality products without the upcharge.

What’s in the Starter Pack?
Our underwear holds 37% more liquid than the leading brand.
Order our FREE Starter Pack and get 2 pairs of our super absorbent underwear to try, along with a travel pack of our extra large cleansing wipes. Made with super soft material, our underwear is hypoallergenic and provides leak and odor protection to keep you dryer, longer.
Because is designed to meet your needs.
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Holds up to 6 cups of liquid
Ultra soft & comfortable
Urologist recommended
Odor protection
Free of harsh chemicals
Discreet delivery
Made in USA
Made in USA
Made in USA
Made in USA
Frequently Asked Questions
How do subscriptions work?
When you choose to turn your order to a subscription with Because, you’ll be able to guarantee that you’ll have the products you need, when you need them, without having to remember to order them.
Additionally, you’ll save money! With a subscription you’ll save 10% on every order, get free shipping on orders over $75, have access to 24/7 customer support, and be able to skip or cancel your order, anytime. To choose our subscription option, simple choose “Subscribe and Save” when choosing your product. Orders are shipped automatically and delivered discreetly right to your door.
How do I update my plan?
All of your settings are available on your online account where you can make changes such as shipment dates, address, payment details, subscription products and more.
To access your online account simply click here and input your email address- we’ll send you an email to directly access your account. You can also email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to help.
Can I change products?
You can use your online account to adjust your products, order dates, or make changes to your account. To access your online account simply click here and input your email address-we’ll send you an email with the link.
Open the “Access Your Account” email from us in your inbox
Click the “Access Account” button from your email
Once your Because Account loads, you can “Edit” your current subscription by changing the quantity, size, color, etc. or swapping the products.
If you want to add new products to an existing subscription, simply:
Click on one of the categories at the top (bladder protection, personal care, supplements, etc.)
Find the product you want to add
Choose whether you want to receive the new product as part of your subscription, trial the new product, or simply purchase it once
Add it to your cart
Check out as normal
You can also email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to help you. We have an assortment of products and sizes available and want you to be happy! You’ll get an email and text (if enabled) confirming any changes.
When will my order arrive?
Standard delivery is generally 5-7 days through FedEx SmartPost. Shorter for metropolitan areas, longer for more rural areas. You will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information once your order ships.